Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Week Four!

I have managed to overcome the setback from last week. Tonight at the weigh in I lost 2.6 lbs. This makes a total of ......ta dum......... 7.2 lbs lost.

This is such a fantastic feeling to know I can do this. I am capable of managing my weight and get that kick ass body I am lusting after.

My goal this week is to lose 2.8 lbs..........making a grand total of lbs lost 10.

I have returned to my food journal and attribute my success to be a faithful writer. I also discovered using the web to check nutritional values for meals I have eaten out.

Tonight at the meeting our fearless and wonderful leader Kay gave a great website for eating out I have already taken a peek and it looks very informative. I especially like the link to all the restaurants. This will be my new best friend...sorry Lizzie.

Goals for the week are:

  1. loose 2.8 lbs
  2. 2 days on the treadmill 30 minutes each time
  3. use the resources available to me...dottie's weight loss zone site (
  4. continue to write in my food journal
  5. take out the "bad" snacks

Wish me luck this week as I work on this lofty goal!

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