Monday, June 8, 2009

Almost there!!!!!!

I am soooo close to the finish line. These last few weeks have been very hard. I am proud that I started this journey, but it is proven to be more of a challenge than I expected. January 21, 2009 was my first weigh in at Weight Watchers. Looking back at all I have done and all that I have accomplished I must say is amazing.

Today when I weighed in I realized that my goal of 30lbs was only a mere 3.6lbs away. Let me write that again. 3.6lbs!!!!! With the exception of a couple set backs, I have managed to loose weight every week consistently for 17 weeks.

What advice do I have for myself as I reach my final milestone.......keep on going. Track my food, eat less quantities, reduce my sugar, eat more fruits & veggies....the list continues. I have learned much about myself. I have the drive needed to succeed when there is something I feel passionate about. I have the skills to meet my goals. I have a wonderful support group of family & friends that listen to me go on and on about the virtues of WW. I hope I am as good of listener and friend as they are to me. THANK YOU!

I hope the next entry I make will be the final 3.6lbs lost.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! My wife is doing well on her loss plan with Nutrisystem and exercising. Peace
