Sunday, March 8, 2009

Week 6

At the last weigh in I lost 2.6lbs! this is a total weight loss of 12lbs!
I was so excited and completely unaware that I lost that much. I have official entered the 150's and I could not be happier. I still have about 20lbs to go but as I have said before this has been the most positive experience I have ever had.

Many thanks go out to my buddy Shirra R. Culp. She invited in to weight watchers and gave me the much needed confidence to succeed.


Challenges I am facing continue to be eating out....It is so hard to make good choices. Also I have not been putting enough effort into exercising.

Right now my goal is at least twice a week doing something. so far I have been able to maintain that goal.

I am well into week 7 writing this and have already gotten into my extra points. I hope this does not hinder my weigh loss for the week.


  1. I am so proud of you!! yay!!!!! :)

  2. OH MY GOSH!!!! That is AWESOME!!!!!! I'm doing the low carb thing right now since I lose a good bit of weight really quickly on that....hello, wedding is in 2 months....AWESOME JOB!
