Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 2

Well I went in for the second weigh in........................4 lbs baby!!!!!! I could not believe it. I had been sick as a dog, mind you I never lost my appetite, so this meant sitting on my butt for about 5 days. I was truly surprised when I jumped on the scale and saw that I lost 4lbs.

I have lost a total of 6lbs so far and I could not be happier. It is unclear to me where I have lost the weight (maybe my calves). Soon I hope to have to pants that are loose and about to fall off my ass.

Week three is almost over and I have not been able to work out my goals. I would like to have started exercising but my stamina has not returned. Being sick sucks.

To make matters worse, I was out of town for a day and a half and I did not keep up with my food journal. I did go back tonight and update what I ate the last few days but I am sure that it was not accurate.

So what am I expecting on Wednesday night.....hmmm.....I am not sure. But beware if I have not lost a single pound I will be in a terrible mood on Thursday, sorry Chamber Chicks.

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