Monday, March 15, 2010

From the beginning

I should give a bit of background on how all this came about. It all started with a visit to my sister's house. She has the cutest boys that are very dear to me. Then we followed it with a trip to visit Chris's sister who just had her second baby (so cute). Well I guess you can say we both felt the urge for a little one of our own.

Next we decided on the method, adoption or do we go with in-vitro. Well in-vitro won out and so the journey began. All I will say about in-vitro is that you need a good group of supportive friends and able to give yourself injections.

A special thanks to the gals at the chamber who were wonderful cheerleaders everyday at 4pm! I truly could not have gotten through the shots without you. My best friend, Liz who listened to my moaning and groaning and being there for me. And to Jessica who asked me every question imaginable and kept me on my toes.

Now you know how it started.

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